Sunday 21 April 2013


My video was a two minute opening of a thriller movie.  To make it obvious that it is a thriller movie it had to follow thriller conventions. All different types of film genres have to require something unexpected as this is what the audience is looking forward to. We started our opening scene with a following scene and ending it with a murder section. This may appear very popular in thriller movies however in our scene there is no sound throughout the opening.
At first we decided in a group to set the scene during the night because many thrillers are set at night. This would have increased the tension on the audience as it makes the scene seem dangerous. However we chose to film during the evening when it was still quite bright, this made the neighbourhood seem safer because many people believe that bad things happen at night when there are less people around. Even though the girls left for the party during the day time the murder still took place which represents that time does not affect murders, which then takes the feeling of safety away from the audience. Even though the girl was screaming no one came out to help, this seems like everyone has gone deaf just for that moment like the killers. We suddenly realise that the neighbourhood isn’t as safe as we thought.
We display the representation of people with both ability and disability from different viewpoints such as: the victims with the ability to speak are seen as ‘bad’ since they take advantage of the fact that they can talk because they bullied the two killers. They are seen as more important because they are shown fully in the video however the killer has only half of her body in the scene. When she goes to attack them they share the shot at the same level which processes that the killer has now converted more powerful than before as she is going to take a life. When the victims are murdered no one catches them scream like everyone has vanished deaf which again suggests the killers are at an advantage.
The main reason for not using diegetic sound or dialogue is because we wanted to do something different, we decided to make the killers deaf and mute. Their motive for killing the girls was because they were jealous of the victims. Through the video we allowed non-diagetic sound where the music starts with a really unhurried music, as the tension start to raise up the sound begins to increase higher and higher. When the murder takes place, the screaming and killing scene sounds are replaced by a high pitch noise. This could recommend to the audience that the murder of attack was so painful that is was not appropriate for the public to hear the noises again represent deaf.
The killers and victims are represented as teenagers however we are unaware that the killers are teenagers until further in the film. The two girls are seen as innocent because they are being targeted but perhaps if they were just shown walking without the killer in the shot. They would be seen as typical teenagers going to a party such as trouble makers, drinking and smoking. Teenagers can be heartless as we’ve been shown when the second victim just runs off when the first victim has been strangled.  The killers are obviously villains because of their actions and outfits.  
The two victims were both killed differently. The first victim was killed by being strangled to death, this shows that the killer purposely choked her suggesting that the killer is jealous of her voice because she can speak. The second victim was killed along with a knife; the murdering scene was not shown so we cannot really undertake whether her body was chopped in half but she was cut off from the shoulders in the camera shot which we could assume is because her throat was slit.               
The messages on the phone are a very big part of the opening as this is where we got the title of the thriller from “One Missed Call”. The fact that the killers used texting for communicating each other’s shows that they did not want anything to be heard therefore they thought texting was right, but this does include one disadvantage as it can become proof if they do get caught and again it indirectly clues the killers’ disability. However the friend and the victim obviously prefer to call as at the right the end of the clip it shows one missed call. Technology has become a very big part of our lives as it became a second part of communicating. If the friend would have called a few minutes earlier the victims could have still been alive which shows the importance of answering a phone.
Both of our victims are dressed up in white and black outfits. As we know white symbolises purity and innocence which portrays that they are good people, not guilty and also shows that they did not deserve to breathe their last breath like that.  On the other hand their clothing includes black which represents curiousness and seriousness, this could suggest that they both of the victims tried attacking the killers back and ended up giving the murders a reason to actually end their lives. Both villains were fully outfitted in black. As we know the villains are the bad people therefore we look at their colour clothing in a different way automatically, the black suggests danger, mysteriousness and guilt. Both killers have their hood up in order to hide who their faces so nobody could recognise them, this could also suggest the killers are clever as nobody will be able to track them after the murder as some killers are not in some thrillers movies.
Our product will be distributed through the internet by YouTube, if it does receive a lot of viewers it will be then be shared to ‘We ‘Media such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, because the project was small the acting and filming was not as professional and high standard. If the video would have been popular, it’ll be re-playing on TV like gossips or even possibility in one advert convince students to study media.
The film is targeted at 15+ as it does not show any violence, we also found out that the lower the age rating the wider the audience is, therefore this age is appropriate. We only show the audience some parts of the body and the object we used so that the audience can have some sort of imaginations. We also targeted this specific age range because most people can relate to the characters as most youngsters attend late night parties like the teenagers stereo-typically do. We managed to target to an even wider audience by basing the movie on the phone as technology has become a massive part of our lives everyone is constantly on their phones, it has become an addiction especially for teens so when a phone rings it has to be answered. The film would appeal to deaf people which mean the movie will contain subtitles.
In order for this project to be successful we had to research similar products to the one we were making therefore we had to analyse a few thriller movies which helped us with our own. We looked at the conventions of a thriller to make our video’s genre clear to the audience. We analysed the different target audiences for the films, we looked at a movie which was rated 12 and another one which was rated 15 so we could see the differences. I also looked at different thrillers with different sub- genres such as sci-fi and crime, we chose crime because we thought that sci-fi would involve too much editing as it has to look realistic or else it would ruin the illusion. In this project I also learnt how to work in as team. We had many discussions about how we are going to shoot this video. As a group we gave each other’s different responsibilities, such as mine was to bring the outfits and make up kit. I learnt how to make a film I never knew so many preparations had to be done for example making sure no one is coming while shooting, lighting, clothing, location.

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